Name: Trish Barber
Author Website:
Virginia, June 2024 — With her book Why Women Pivot hitting the shelves on March 1 of 2024, Trish Barber, in partnership with Manuscripts Press, has scheduled four live events targeting women navigating ambition with life’s other competing priorities. Her message is that women can learn to recognize life/career phases that can trigger the need to pivot. In-the-know companies help their female talent to flourish yielding great results and women can also be catalysts in this effort. However, sometimes pivoting is the best option and women need the tools to do so with success.
At each event, Barber will summarize key points from her book through her own remarks as well as through live interviews with a local panel who contribute their experiences. Topics will range from mentoring, personal branding, managing identity shifts, considering entrepreneurship, networking, negotiating a win-win situation, the importance of STEM education for girls, to being an advocate for women leaders in your organization.
“I’m so excited to be out on the road because writing a book can be isolating. Now, I get to connect with women who will add their regional perspectives. While local industries may vary, the issues are the same” says Barber. An Amazon reviewer wrote about the book that “This is not just a book for women. This is a book for our men, our colleagues, and the ones we work for.” Barber goes on to say that the “book tour events are designed with this in mind. Men are welcome and will likely learn a few things.”
The tour begins in Arlington Virginia on June 20th, moves on to Portland, Oregon on July 17th, Boston, MA on Sept 12th and culminates in Manhattan on October 16th. Each city was chosen based on the author’s connections to those cities either through travel, college, or residence. Details about the tour and tickets are available now.
Author Bio
Trish Barber is a transitional CMO, creator, entrepreneur, mentor, and mother of three who has dissected the art of pivoting. Her natural curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit have consistently lured her to work for and found companies that operated on the cutting-edge of media and technology. Her thirty-year career yielded lessons on the unique roles women play in families and society. She believes that savvy women will pivot as life demands it, and they need to know how.
With her children now grown, she has pivoted to include writing and speaking to her consulting, and board roles. She also mentors women and entrepreneurs. She lives with her husband of over thirty years outside of Washington, DC who keeps her laughing and unbridled.
Barber can be found on LinkedIn, Instagram and video about the tour can be found on YouTube.
Read the Book Tour Stop #1 Summary